Are you a pastor, youth pastor, youth leader, student leader, or parent? If so, a tour of our clinics by your church youth group can be a LIFE changing, LIFE affirming, and delicious event!
Here are our top reasons for the youth group at your church to tour the Informed Choices Medical Clinic in your area at least once a year.
1) Free Pizza, Pop, and homemade cookies for everyone.
2) Seeing the clinic first hand, hearing the stories, and meeting the staff makes it real in a student’s mind and heart.
3) Students will learn how to use the clinic as a ministry tool for the mission field that God has them in today.
4) Students will learn how to use the same decision making tool that we use with our clients. We will guide them through the four steps; Clarify the Decision, Identify your decision making needs, Explore your needs, and plan the next steps.
5) Students will see ultrasound images and video from a $50K imaging machine while they learn about fetal development and the value of every human life.
6) Students will be given a Clinical and Biblical perspective of STDs and the risk and real costs of casual sex.
7) An extended Q & A time where students will be able to ask questions and get honest and truthful answers which can help them make good choices for their future as well as be able to field questions from friends at school.
Over the years, we have seen hearts changed, and heard reports of lives saved and hurting teens started on a path to healing through these tours.
This is a powerful opportunity for us to come along side your church ministry to lovingly echo the values you are instilling in your youth.
We do encourage youth leaders and parents to tour the clinic ahead of their youth group if possible. This will give you a full picture of what is involved. We can even plan together how to tailor the tour to your students when they come. We can also put you in touch with other youth pastors and parents who have toured with their youth.
With the food and the Q & A time these tours take about two hours.
Call today to get on the schedule for 2014!
Near Ames? Call (515) 232-8000 and ask for Jennifer.
Near Iowa City? Call (319) 337-0575 and ask for Rachel.