Happy Mother’s Day to all our moms who support Informed Choices! Because of you, many women are joyfully celebrating Mother’s Day this year as well. On their behalf we say, “Thank you!”
Burlington Walk for LIFE this Saturday at Crapo Park Large Shelter!
7:30-10:30 am – Pancake Breakfast 8:30 am – Walk Check-in 9:00 am – Walk Begins
Join us for Pancakes and the Walk for LIFE!
Our theme for 2017 is an endearing one–that every life has a unique and beautiful story to tell, and this is why we keep going, client by client, heart by heart to help create a culture of LIFE in Iowa. We can’t do this lifesaving work without you! For more information or to register please visit IowaWalkforLife.com.
Every Life Has a Story
The youth group tour and the unexpected Mother’s Day
Names and some details were changed to protect client’s identity.
The first time Alicia came to our clinic she was only 14. She was part of a youth group touring the clinic. Her father was a pastor of a small local church and Alicia and several of her friends made up the core of their youth group. They came to Informed Choices to learn about the clinic and its mission to seek and save the lost.
She and her friends walked the halls and prayed for the abortion-minded women in Iowa. The nurses talked to them about how Informed Choices took seriously the mission to share the truth and love of Jesus Christ. After the visit Alicia decided, if she knew anyone at her school that might be pregnant or have an STD, she would bring them to an Informed Choices Clinic. Together she and clinic staff could be the hands and feet of Jesus. She did indeed tell many of her friends at school about Informed Choices and even came with one of her friends to an appointment. Only in heaven will we know the full impact of Alicia’s voice.
But Alicia’s story doesn’t stop there.
The years rolled by and Alicia got busy with school and friends. She and Jack dated for several years and were just finishing their sophomore year of college when she discovered she was pregnant. She knew the shame that this news would bring to her family. She felt trapped, isolated, and alone, and everything in her wanted it to just end quickly. At her lowest point, Alicia made an appointment for an abortion.
She told Jack about the abortion she had scheduled for that Friday. Jack was very calm and asked Alicia if they could at least go to the clinic she used to talk about, the one that did the “free pregnancy stuff.” She agreed and Jack called Informed Choices to make an appointment. Even though Jack had a calm appearance, inside he was overwhelmed. He was having a hard time understanding the whole thing and his role in it. He knew it was supposed to be a woman’s choice, but everything in him wanted to yell, “But it’s my child too!”
The minute Alicia walked through the door of the clinic, a peace rolled over her. Jack and Alicia stared in awe as they watched their baby on the screen during the ultrasound. Hot tears rolled down her face as she quietly voiced her thoughts. “Mother’s Day is this weekend. I almost aborted my baby on Mother’s Day weekend.” Jack was quickly at her side to confirm his love for her and their baby.
As the realization dawned on Alicia, that her mind had so quickly gone to thoughts of abortion and the desire to hide the truth from her family, she felt shock. She had always thought she loved God and was pro-life. She could see now that she had allowed her heart to harden as she slowly walked away from God, justifying her choices of putting others and things above Him. During the ultrasound her heart began its return to God. That same weekend she and Jack went home and shared the news with her parents.
Because of Informed Choices, Alicia can celebrate each and every Mother’s Day.
Many young, abortion-minded women who walk through our clinic doors leave with their hearts and minds changed and nurtured. They see their children as a gift and not as a burden, instilling the desire to love and protect them. This is just one of many “Mother’s Days” you have saved with your support! I have a feeling we will spend all of eternity discovering the many effects of your support. What fun it will be to do that together!