I can hardly believe that another Christmas is upon us. As I reflect on the last year, we have so much to be thankful for. We have served more than 400 clients, about a 59% increase over 2011. All I can say is Thank you! Without you, our wonderful Friends for Life , this would not have been possible. Babies have been saved and many of our clients have made the choice to live life with and for Jesus.
We took some time in January to refocus our efforts and investigate how we could be most effective at creating a culture of LIFE in Iowa. As we looked at who is having abortions, we were reminded that 50% of the abortions in Iowa are performed on college students. Little wonder we are seeing Planned Parenthood of the Heartland close clinics in four non-college areas with plans to reopen them in community college areas across the state in 2013.
In April we began the process of opening a satellite clinic near the Iowa State University campus. There were no Pro-Life Medical Clinics in the Ames area but there was a Planned Parenthood providing abortions. I like to think of our new satellite clinic model as a “lean baby saving machine”. By managing administrative efforts from Iowa City the focus of the satellite clinic will be on client care alone. This new model costs less to operate than previous models keeping our operating cost for the Ames Clinic to less than $160,000 per year. We are happy to announce that we had our soft opening for that new clinic in October and are now seeing clients.
Although this has been a very blessed year with record numbers of lives being saved, it has also been one of the most difficult years we have ever had where fund raising is concerned. This is the first time we are going into the New Year without at least 1/3rd of our budget in the bank. We are very grateful to be able to keep our doors open when we know that thousands of nonprofits have had to close this year. Nationally some have suggested the economy is to blame, or perhaps the 2 billion dollar national political campaigns (do you know how many lives could have been saved with those 2 billion dollars?). Whatever the case, I know that 2013 is not the year to shrink back. 2013 is the year to push forward and work smarter. We need to be increasing the Kingdom of God now more than ever.
The pro-choice community will be celebrating 40 years of Roe vs. Wade this next year; a reminder that there is still work to do. With 51% of the nation stating that they are Pro-LIFE, I know we can win! Every time a young pro-choice women walks in our door and has her needs met and sees her baby on the ultrasound she walks out our door Pro-LIFE. With the Love of God, we are transforming the hearts and minds of hurting people one at a time and adding to the Pro-LIFE community.
On a personal note, on the eve of Thanksgiving my family’s home caught fire. Between the fire and the water damage we lost about 75% of the house and our belongings. Many of you have called, written notes of encouragement, and donated items over the past weeks. I want you to know how much Jason and I appreciate you and your prayers as we regroup and rebuild over the next few months. We have a wonderful peace that God will use this for His Glory! A house fire will not keep the Owen family from doing what God has called us to do here in Iowa.
With a new addition to our family coming soon while working to get my house back in order, I will be taking a much needed maternity leave in January. Even when I am not at the clinic I am responsible for the fundraising that keeps the doors open. Please consider this a personal invitation from me to help us continue this fight with a tax deductible year end gift. Your gift will truly be a life saving blessing as we move forward with our mission!!
Lovingly In Chirst,