We need help covering the expenses for an emergency room bill for one of our young patients. This is a special opportunity that we do not budget for at Informed Choices.
This is a time for the body of Christ to raise up and meet a need, an opportunity to share God’s love.
A lot of times our volunteers and staff meet the needs of our patients before I even find out about them. They call their church, women’s group or bible study and I find about the little miracles of needs being met at the staff meetings. Sometimes it’s just help with rent, a gas card or used furniture to fill a new home, safe from an abusive partner. These are opportunities to show a young mother that we are here for her and that we care about her, her future and her baby.
For privacy reasons we can’t tell you all the details or even what town she is in but I can tell you that we see circumstances like this often. We had a young foreign student come in the other day who was very abortion minded. When she saw the ultrasound and that she was pregnant with twins she decided to carry her beautiful babies. At this stage it is to early to tell if she will parent or choose adoption but the wonderful thing is that she chose LIFE not death.
Unfortunately she’s been plagued with severe morning sickness and became dangerously dehydrated. She does not have health insurance in the US and that’s why she came to our clinic. She had plans to return to her country very soon to get medical attention but it just wasn’t soon enough, for her and the babies safety we needed to refer her to the emergency room.
She does not have the finances for these medical expenses…talk about an opportunity to share the unconditional love of GOD.
If you would like to help with this and other unexpected expenses that come up for young mothers just mark your gift to Informed Choices “meet needs”.
Please be praying for this young mother and the many others like her.